Thursday, 7 March 2013

MIPIM Karaoke Event


Cannes you Kick it? You most certainly Cannes…

“Remember folks, none of this is available in the shops, online or in fact ANYWHERE other than at LeCosMo on Thursday 14th Mar 2013 @MIPIM – this is a one night chance of a lifetime, never to be repeated, photographed or recorded event (well we hope so anyway).”

“Rock the Cash Bar” has been brought to you by Assembly Studios & Chart Lane – please RSVP to Charlotte to get you name on the guest list with your song requests and we’ll do our best to give you “your chance to shine”. If not, or crooning aint your thing - pop by for a beer to support the daft ones that think it is…

The management would also like to point out, “Karaoke is nit funay after about 1am so zee dejay will take over at zis point wiz some great tunes for zee disco, no?…”

We reserve the right to absolve ourselves from all responsibilities if this night does not turn out to be a rip roaring success but obviously also reserve the right to reinstate ourselves again if indeed it attracts a load of people and we have a lot of fun, which we think will be the case…

Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Find directions here:

1 comment:

  1. We reserve the right to absolve ourselves from all responsibilities if this night does not turn out to be best karaoke machine a rip roaring success but obviously also reserve the right to reinstate ourselves again..
